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A unique premium product combining expertly selected natural thymus gland proteins
with our Rapid Response nano-silver solution with Triple Defense Technology  and zinc for superior immune support.

- First line of defense at the first sign of illness or for prevention and maintenance.
- Imperative for any competitive equine athlete.

ThymoForce should be used as a first line of defense at the first signs of illness such as fever, cough, and fatigue. It should also be used prior to travel, high athletic performance, and for cool downs for optimum equine health and wellness during taxing physical performances.

A fever in a barn can spread illness throughout the rest of your stable resulting in the whole barn to quarantine.  This unfortunate situation can thus prevent all your athletes from competing. Using our ThymoForce prophylactically a week prior to any event helps prevent fevers and illness.  It accomplishes this by preventing the suppression and lowering function of the immune system due to high stress of transport and high athletic performance.  Proven effective in race horse performance. 

Using ThymoForce one week prior to travel and competition or immediately at first sign of sickness/stress can significantly reduce symptoms and shorten duration of illness and veterinary costs. A healthy happy equine! While potentially saving you hundreds in veterinarian bills!

While nebulizing ThymoForce is amazing for horses, ThymoForce is not only for horses!! It can be used orally in any animal requiring extra immune boosting support.  Call for questions/recommendations in your specific case.

Whats in the bag and instructions for use
Each ThymoForce bag contains 12 individual doses, individually wrapped in small packets.
Each small packet consists of a single dose and contains 2 small vials. One vial contains 5ml of liquid consisting of our Rapid Response with TDT nano silver solution while the other vial contains a powder form of our proprietary blend of specially selected/processed and extracted organic thymus gland proteins and zinc.

Also included in the package is a 10cc syringe for oral administration if needed.

The liquid Rapid Response solution is poured into the vial with the thymus protein extract/zinc powder and mixed well until clear. The resultant liquid mixture in the second vial is either aerosolized and inhaled using our recommended Flexineb E3 portable nebulizer or administered orally via syringe in the back of the mouth (included in packaging).

ThymoForce consists of 2 small vials for each dose. One vial consists of 5ml of our Rapid Response nano-silver solution while the other vial contains our proprietary blend of specially selected and extracted organic thymus gland proteins and zinc.

The Rapid Response nano-silver solution has broad spectrum effects on disease causing bacteria, viruses, fungi/mold and even parasites. This broad spectrum action against many disease causing pathogens helps to clear the infectious component in a natural way without any side effects. It has also been noted to reduce inflammation in the body. Reduction of inflammation in the airways allows the horse improved air movement and easier breathing. Inhaled ThymoForce enters the bloodstream from the lungs rapidly and aiding in reduced swelling and stiffness throughout the body allowing less pain and improved wellness.

The thymus gland proteins from ThymoForce help balance the immune system by adding more thymus gland proteins into the body.  The thymus gland is responsible to produce and train T-cells and quickly decreases in function after the teen years.  These T-cells are also known as thymus-derived lymphocytes and help fight off the body's foreign invaders, such as bacteria, viruses, and toxins. These T-cells can also identify and attack cancer cells.  The T-cells are also taught how to identify foreign substances or toxins and avoid harming healthy cells in the body.  This helps to prevent  autoimmune disorders.  Autoimmune disorders are when your own immune cells become confused and start attacking your own healthy cells and tissues instead of foreign invading cells.  Supporting the cellular immune system with ThymoForce helps to boost weakened cellular immunity to its optimum state and help ward off illness naturally.

Zinc is a trace element that is essential for many bodily functions. Since excess zinc is not stored in the body, it must be replenished through supplementation. It supports immune function by promoting growth of T-helper cells (white blood cells) that fight the bad invading organisms. Other beneficial properties include anti-viral effects combined with antioxidants properties.  It also promotes  collagen production for healthy bone and joints and also essential in natural wound healing.

Routes of administration:
- orally (via syringe for administration in the back of the throat).
- aerosolized/inhaled via nebulizer for best results with a respiratory focus.

Common Uses:

  • Respiratory infections/inflammation - cough, heaves, mucus, asthma, pneumonias, and viral infections.
  • Bleeders (EIPH) - proven effective in reducing bleeding from lungs in elite high performing equine athletes. A three month course resolves almost all cases of EIPH allowing many horses to continue performing and even achieve the winners circle.
    Can be used with confidence - on the HISA non-prohibited list (Horse Racing Integrity and Safety Authority) for thoroughbred racing! See our client testimonials! Stress situations - traveling and transport to and from shows as well as high athletic performance all result in a suppressed immune function due to stress. ThymoForce helps to prevent illness prior to transport/show if used prophylactically prior to and even during events.
  • Pregnancy/Foaling - helps to prevent and treat infections in mother during pregnancy. Also contributes to building cellular immunity in the foal and enriching the mothers colostrum helping to prevent typical illnesses in the new born such as scours, and pneumonias when used in last 30 days of pregnancy.
  • General wellbeing - helps underweight horses with gaining healthy weight and generalized well being including reduced infections, bone and joint support.
  • Other conditions treated in horses:
    -Pharyngitis or pharyngeal hyperplasia
    -Guttural pouch infection
    -Ethmoid hematoma
    -Entrapped epiglottis and sub epiglottic ulcers

Typical ways to use ThymoForce
For acute issues - Remember! ThymoForce is not only for horses and does not have to be nebulized. The oral route is a great option for all animals including horses. For most typical ailments we recommend single dose daily administration for 5 days followed by three times a week. The duration depends on the severity of the issue. Please call or email for our latest veterinarian recommendations.

Note: Rhodococcus equi pneumonia requires a prolonged treatment course (daily for 4 weeks followed by maintenance three times a week).

For maintenance - we recommend a single dose daily three times a week.

We recommend the Flexineb E3 nebulizer for nebulizing our products for our equine friends. High quality, portable/lightweight nebulizer with a high capacity battery which can be used with multiple animals in a barn/stable situation for cost savings. We recommend cleaning between uses of individual horses. Can be wiped down between uses with our own SilverVet Power Silver Wash or Extra Strength Animal Aid.

Click on Flexineb E3 Nebulizer for further details on our recommended equine nebulizer.